Our partners
One of the strengths of Evolution Academy Trust is that we work with a range of external partners to benefit our staff, children and wider communities. From the strong collaboration across our existing 12 schools, to our externally-facing work with other partners, we are an organisation which is focused on working with a range of professional organisations for the greater good of our Trust. Below are just some examples of these:
Confederation of School Trusts (CST) - from professional training, audit tools, updates and advice, we work closely with CST to ensure we have the best advice available and some of the very latest thinking on the work of Multi-Academy Trusts across the country and beyond.
National College - all of our staff and volunteers have full access to the outstanding CPD with the National College. From statutory training on equality, diversity and inclusion to subject specific clinics on EYFS and reading, we are proud of our strong inclusive approach to CPD - which includes all staff in all roles.
Julian Teaching School - from supporting our Early Career Teachers (ECTs), to staff completing National Professional Qualifications (NPQs), we work closely with our local Teaching Hub on a range of Professional Development.
Ambition Institute - our ECTs, middle and senior leaders access a range of training and professional development with Ambition Institute including NPQSL and NPQH amongst others.
University of East Anglia - we have strong partnerships with UEA for CPD, MA courses and placements for trainees.
Teachfirst - many of our schools work closely with trainee teachers on the Teachfirst programme.
Local Authority and Local Trusts - we work closely with other local Multi Academy Trusts and Local Authority schools, both in collaboration and in support.