Evolution Academy Trust

Pupils unite to celebrate eco successes

Growing loofahs, organising litter picks and making bat boxes – just some of the many initiatives children from nine local schools shared at an exciting sustainability event this week.

Children from across Norfolk and Suffolk attended Evolution Academy Trust’s first Pupil Parliament event, held at Sizewell B and Wild Aldehurst Farm.

Groups from the likes of Angel Road Junior, Dell Primary and Eaton Primary Schools all outlined their plans for making their schools more environmentally friendly. Promising pupil-led projects included: reducing food waste by analysing each day’s leftovers; turning off interactive whiteboards at lunchtime; and making holes in fences for easier hedgehog access through school sites.

The event was organised by Clare Williams, Headteacher at Coldfair Green Primary School in Knodishall. She said: “This was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the eco work taking place within our trust, as well as share experiences and learn from each other. Pupil voice is highly valued in all our schools and Pupil Parliaments will now become a regular  feature in the school calendars.”

It was also announced on the day that Bignold Primary School has been awarded the prestigious Green Flag Award from the internationally-recognised Eco-Schools initiative. It is awarded to schools where children have shown exemplary commitment to learning about and protecting the environment through a variety of projects.

Jo Clitheroe, Science Subject Lead at Bignold, said: “I am always amazed by the children’s’ level of commitment to improving the environment and the ecological knowledge that the science ambassadors want to share with the school and their community. It gives me hope for the future.”

Craig Avieson, CEO of Evolution Academy Trust, said: “A massive congratulations to Jo and the Bignold team for their recent achievement and Clare for organising such a great Trust-wide event. Seeing children from our primary school come together, and present on such important issues was a privilege and our work on sustainability and Net-Zero remain a priority as a Trust.”